Casebrook Alert Level 1 Information for Parents - Tuesday 9th June

By Nick Leith | Posted: Tuesday June 9, 2020

The announcement made yesterday afternoon by the Government regarding the shift to Level 1 means that Casebrook Intermediate is now also at that stage regarding health and safety practices.

We ask that the following is still maintained regardless:

  • Parents enter through the main admin doors prior to visiting any classes and sign in - this is good health and safety practice anyway.

  • Students maintain high levels of hygiene and handwashing - including bringing drink bottles and not sharing food. At this time of year, such behaviour will only help keep winter illnesses at bay.

We will continue to have hand sanitiser available to our students, staff and visitors in each classroom and encourage ongoing use this term.

We have been advised by the Ministries of Education and Health about the following guidelines for our school community under Level 1:

  • Physical distancing is not a requirement but where possible or practicable is encouraged when you are around people you don’t know.

  • There are no specific public health requirements.

  • There are no restrictions on personal movement so all students, children and staff continue to be safe to go to school / early learning, and all students must attend school.

  • We are no longer required to keep a contact tracing register but will keep a COVID tracing QR code poster at our main entrance.

  • Continue with the usual practice of having a visitor and an attendance register (and will need to work with local health authorities to identify close contacts, should there be a case connected with the school).

  • There are no restrictions on numbers at gatherings or on physical activities including cultural and sporting activities, practices and events.

There are key public health measures for everyone in New Zealand to follow. For our school this means:

  • If your child is sick, they should stay home (phone Healthline or their GP and get tested if they have cold or flu symptoms).

  • Students are expected to continue to regularly wash and dry hands, sneeze and cough into elbows.

  • Soap, water and the ability to dry hands will continue to be provided in bathrooms.

  • We will continue to regularly disinfect shared surfaces.

  • We will support contact tracing efforts by displaying QR Code posters for the NZ COVID Tracer App (see item below for more information) on our main office entrance.

  • Ensure stringent self-isolation of those who display relevant symptoms of COVID-19, test positive for COVID-19 or have been in close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19, or have been overseas in the last 14 days

Click here to read the Ministry of Health information for self-isolation

We are extremely grateful to our Casebrook community who have supported us by following school protocols as they have changed throughout the various levels. We look forward to inviting parents and whānau back on-site to our numerous community events across the rest of this term and later in the year.

Thanks again for your support. We look forward to seeing you all at the upcoming whānau learning conferences and assemblies during the month.

Ngā mihi nui,

Casebrook Leadership team

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