Lego competition food and movies. 

By Sharon Keen | Posted: Tuesday October 11, 2016

The PTA assisted by Christine our School Office Administrator held the second successful Lego afternoon in the school hall last Friday.  This is proving to be a popular fundraiser in our community.

Welcome to Term Four.  It is amazing to realise we are so far through the year, plus the fact Term Four passes very quickly helps to make this one of the busiest terms in our school calendar.

Some of the main events this term are, the South Island Intermediate Indoor Tournament, Water Polo competing in a Canterbury and South Island competitions, Athletics, Creativity Plus and we finish the year with Celebration assemblies and Prize Giving. Please keep aware of upcoming events through the school calendar.

Last night we had Matthew Lange and Lileeh Davis represent Casebrook at the Rotary Speech finals.  Congratulations to Matthew who won first place and Lileeh third.  You can both be very proud of your achievements.

Tomorrow we have a group of students, teachers and parents return from their two weeks of touring in Japan.  They will share some of their experiences with you in the next newsletter.

This year Casebrook Intermediate is 50 years old.  To mark the occasion we will hold a special assembly on Friday November 4.  Details of this will be available closer to the time.

Enrolments for 2017 are looking very good but if you do know someone who has yet to decide on a school please encourage them to come and visit us.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.  I hope the term goes well.


Sharon Keen


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