Tēnā Koutou Katoa -The end of Term One is fast approaching.

By Sharon Keen | Posted: Wednesday April 7, 2021

This is the last newsletter for this term. We close for the break on Friday, April 16, and Term Two begins on Monday, May 3.

It has been a very successful term with our students settling into the school routines and really making the most of the many opportunities available.  We value and encourage this engagement as we believe our young people develop into their potential when they are challenged by a diverse range of activities.

Our Whānau Interviews are being held next week on Tuesday and Wednesday.  On both of these days school will close at 2:00pm.  If you would like your child to remain at school for the hour please contact the office and we will organize for them to be supervised in Te Puna Waro. We look forward to seeing all parents at these conferences as it is an important time to discuss progress and aspirations for the year ahead.

At Casebrook we are moving into our school wide 'Community Heroes' inquiry unit. This is where students will be inquiring into what the characteristics are of people in our community that we consider to be really important 'heroes'. We are incredibly lucky to have a variety of community heroes coming to speak to the students and answer questions centred around what they do and the way they help others. So a massive thank you to those community heroes! The students will then choose their own hero to focus on, and create a portrait with a QR code linked to their heroes story. This will be displayed with a QR code in the hall for a “Gallery of Heroes” for whānau to view.  More information on when the "Gallery of Heroes" is happening to come.

On Friday, April 16 we are holding our celebration assemblies where we present the Casebrook Challenge Gold Badges.  Year 8 is 12:00-1:00pm and Year 7 at 1:45-2:45pm. You are very welcome to join us as we celebrate the achievements of our young people.

Thank you for your support and we look forward to working together next term.

Have a safe and happy break.

Nāku iti noa

Sharon Keen


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