Casebrook Kids Zooming Around the Track

By Bev Bell | Posted: Tuesday April 4, 2023

On Tuesday, Casebrook students competed in this term’s Casebrook Super Challenge Go Kart Derby.

Multiple students have spent weeks designing and constructing a Go Kart for the race at the end of Term 1.

There were lots of different and fun looking Go Karts out on the track from a big orange McLaren to a small little Go Kart powered by a drill.

We interviewed one of the competitors, Seth Cornish, about what they thought about the race. He said, “I knew I would do well in the race, even though there were some fast competitors. The race was fun and I really enjoyed it!”

Everyone did well in the race and had fun, even though there were some minor crashes here and there. This year’s super challenge really was a banger!

By Max, James & Andrew  

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