Casebrook Chess Team

By Mr Pitt | Posted: Tuesday August 18, 2015

The Chess Team ventured out to Cashmere Primary for the day to compete in the Intermediate social competition last Friday with great results!

The established and new members of the school chess team REPresented the school admirably at the Intermediate Chess social competition last week. Amy, Maxine, Val and Dylan continued as our A Team. The newcomers, Kyson, Ben, Tyler and Brandon joined forces as our B Team. 

Yet again winning attitudes were brought to the table. Our wins outnumbered the draws and losses this time and consequently saw both teams achieve great results, with second and third places respectively. 

The atmosphere was one of excitement and all the players left the tournament with new found confidence. Once again they all did us proud and now have yet more experience with which to sharpen their game! 

Mr Pitt

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