Inquiry - Social Science

Inquiry follows a two-year cycle with emphasis on the integration of an overarching theme that allows for a wide range of opportunities within classroom programmes.

Students, explore through a social science lens, how societies work and how they themselves can participate and take action as critical, informed, and responsible citizens. They also explore, through a science lens, how both the natural physical world and science itself work so that they can participate as critical, informed, and responsible citizens in a society in which science plays a significant role.

During the year, all Year 8 students take part in an inquiry, which is integrated with our highly skilled Technology department. This programme runs for an Academic Term and the collaborative approach allows for extended possibilities in projects and learning. Collaborating within multiple workspaces, students have the opportunity to challenge and extend the students learning in a myriad of directions.

The Inquiry process encourages connection, cooperation, and collaboration by allowing students to pose and solve problems together and with their communities in shared, authentic learning experiences.