Year 8 First Aid Training

By Tom Straker | Posted: Thursday February 9, 2017

During the first week of Term 1 some of the Year 8 classes have had a full day with the Red Cross, teaching them all about First Aid.

The first session of the day saw students learn all about 'DRSABCD' (Dangers, Response, Send for help, Airways, Breathing, Circulation and Defibrillator.) The First Aid instructor showed the children how to clear someones airways and then how to put someone in a safe position if they were found unconscious. Following each of the demonstrations, students were then asked to practice on a partner to gain confidence and perfect their technique. 

After break, students then began to learn about the process of calling 111 and what some likely questions an emergency operator might ask if you were to ring in an emergency. They then learnt how to apply a bandage and some important information about what to do if someone has been poisoned. 

Following that was the last session of the day, this saw students role play different scenarios with a partner and they had to try and remember all of the First Aid they had learnt so far. Students were then given some feedback on how they went and the day ended by the students gaining a certificate for the participation in the course. 

The day was filled with plenty of laughs and lots of questions. Students learnt a lot and hopefully, if they ever find themselves in a situation which requires First Aid, they will have the skills and confidence to help someone in need.