EPro8 Competitions

By Simon Mutch | Posted: Wednesday June 21, 2023

Engineering, problem solving, collaboration, and innovation is alive and well at Casebrook.

The EPro8 Challenge is an inter-school science and engineering competition. Every year over 25,000 students from throughout New Zealand take part.

Students participate in a series of events: firstly within school and then inter-school.

These events are designed to promote science, engineering and problem solving.

Students work in teams of four and race against the clock to complete as many challenges as possible within a two hour timeframe. Each challenge completed earns a certain number of points. The team with the highest score at the end of the two hours wins.

On Tuesday 20th June we had teams competing in the digital technology room to be one of two teams to go on and represent the school at the inter-school competitions. It was an exciting and intense event with a range of skills being displayed. The use of innovative ideas and effective communication were the key to success.

Our congratulations go to Cole, Max, Payam, and James from Room 2 and Ben, Avery, Leo, and Josh from Room 9. These were the top two teams from Tuesday and will go on to represent the school early next term. We wish them all the best and look forward to their performance.

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