The students have moved in and the rooms are looking great.

By Shona Kelleher | Posted: Tuesday May 15, 2018

The new classrooms are buzzing with students enjoying working in their new spaces.

The move went smoothly and the walls are filling up with evidence of student learning,  both teachers and students are relishing the quietness in their rooms. Everyone is pleased to be able to spread out and enjoy the renovated LRC as an extra teaching area as well as having space for quiet work.

A new initiative this year at Casebrook is the creating of students individual Digital Learning Space (DLS) through Google Sites. The focus of these DLS's is to showcase student learning over their time at Casebrook. These sites are taking place of our previous Record of Learning Books and the link to these will be published over this term for parents and whanau to enjoy. You will be notified when this happens.

This week is National Bully-Free Week, a time for all of us to make an extra to effort ensure the safety and well being of those we live and work with. Students are currently focusing this week on Respect in a Bully-Free Environment as part of their PB4L programme with the culmination of a Pink Shirt Anti Bullying Mufti day on Friday. 

At any time if you have questions or concerns please contact us.

Ka kite ano

Shona Kelleher

Specialist Co-ordinator 

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